Lien-Talks, AlphaeusPlease use the format "First name initials family name" as in "Marie S. Curie, Niels H. D. Bohr, Albert Einstein, John R. R. Tolkien, Donna T. Strickland"
<p>Bioarchaeology, which encompasses the study of ancient DNA, osteoarchaeology, paleopathology, palaeoproteomics, stable isotopes, and zooarchaeology, is generating an ever-increasing volume of data as a result of advancements in molecular biology, technology, and publishing techniques. This data, derived from a finite amount of material, holds immense value in the analysis of our human ancestors' lives. To ensure the long-term reusability of this data, one potential approach is to make it FAIR. This entails making the data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. A Needs Analysis revealed that the reuse of bioarchaeological data is considered significant, with extensive reuse already taking place across various bioarchaeology subdisciplines. However, currently, there is no standardized process for data creation and deposition. Consequently, this wealth of information is processed in different ways, at varying levels, resulting in a range of data types that are deposited in diverse locations, with different levels of Open Access and copyright, even within a specialization. Furthermore, there is a mixed adoption of elements that can facilitate FAIRness, such as Persistent Identifiers (including ORCiDs), appropriate metadata, and systematic documentation. To further enhance opportunities for data preservation and reuse, as well as to maximize the benefits derived from the expanding pool of bioarchaeology data, a standardized data management procedure encompassing all aspects of bioarchaeology, along with a federated search interface, is essential.</p>
Holly Wright,, Sara Perry,, Emma Karoune suggested: Esther Plomp -, Aitor Burguet-Coca suggested: Mónica Fernández García <>, Holly Wright suggested: I have a conflict of interest, but my sister is qualified to review the paper and has agreed to do it quickly. Her email is , Thomas Cucchi suggested: Silvia Valenzuela Llamas:, Thomas Cucchi suggested: Allowen Evin:
No need for them to be recommenders of PCIArchaeology. Please do not suggest reviewers for whom there might be a conflict of interest. Reviewers are not allowed to review preprints written by close colleagues (with whom they have published in the last four years, with whom they have received joint funding in the last four years, or with whom they are currently writing a manuscript, or submitting a grant proposal), or by family members, friends, or anyone for whom bias might affect the nature of the review - see the code of conduct