10 reviewers:
- Angourakis Andreas
- Antolin Ferran
- Daems Dries
- Larsson Lars
- Marks Anthony E.
- Marlet Olivier
- Marreiros Joao
- Tristant Yann
- and 2 anonymous reviewers
76 reviewers:
- Arzarello Marta
- Balsi Marco
- Banning Edward B.
- Beck Anna S.
- Belmaker Miriam
- Berruti Gabriele Luigi Francesco
- Carrignon Simon
- Courtenay Lloyd A.
- Cowley Dave
- de Haas Tymon
- Delpiano Davide
- Delsol Nicolas
- Donze Frederic
- Falcucci Armando
- Gravier Julie
- Hill Austin
- Huet Thomas
- Huvila Isto
- Lien-Talks Alphaeus
- Lucas Gavin
- Mol Angus
- Pantos Alexis
- Paukkonen Nikolai
- Peeples Matthew
- Politopoulos Aris
- Rodríguez Jesús
- Romanowska Iza
- Scholtus Lizzie
- Verhagen Philip
- Versluys Miguel John
- Visser Ronald
- Waagen Jitte
- Yeates Mike
- Yrarrázaval Sebastián
- and 42 anonymous reviewers
137 reviewers:
- Amano Noel
- Bischoff Robert
- Boneta Iratxe
- Brandsen Alex
- Buckley Christopher
- Burke Adrian L.
- Cardillo Marcelo
- Carrignon Simon
- C. Conesa Francesc
- Ceraudo Giuseppe
- Champion Erik
- Conolly James
- Cooper Catriona
- Crellin Rachel
- de Haas Tymon
- Delvigne Vincent
- de Soto Pau
- Dudek Iwona
- François Paul
- García-Sánchez Jesús
- Graham Shawn
- Hageneuer Sebastian
- Hagmann Dominik
- Hattingh Tanya
- Hinz Martin
- Jordan Fiona
- Karoune Emma
- Kemmers Fleur
- Kolar Jan
- Kristensen Steinar
- LaBelle Jason
- Laguna-Palma David
- Leder Dirk
- Leggett Sam
- Lev Maayan
- Levy Eythan
- Lien-Talks Alphaeus
- Lukas Dominik
- Madry Scott
- McCall Jeremiah
- Meier Jacqueline
- Moderato Marco
- Moffat Ian
- Mol Angus
- Mutri Giuseppina
- Panagiotidis Vayia
- Pantos Alexis
- Paukkonen Nikolai
- Pažout Adam
- Peeples Matthew
- Pereira Daniel
- Rassalle Tine
- Reinhard Andrew
- Ribeiro Artur
- Richards Nina
- Roe Joe
- Rose Thomas
- Rouhani Bijan
- Sánchez Zufiaurre Leandro
- Santos Frédéric
- Santos Joel
- Schmidt Sophie C.
- Schubert Lutz
- Scott Catherine
- Sobotkova Adéla
- Tapete Deodato
- Tharandt Louise
- Todd Lawrence
- Trognitz Martina
- Tsaknaki Electra
- Tuffery Christophe
- Ullah Isaac
- Ure Scott
- Verhagen Philip
- Verhoeven Geert
- Vignoles Anaïs
- Visser Ronald
- Walsh Alicia
- Wright April
- Zimmerman Mario
- and 57 anonymous reviewers
37 reviewers:
- Lisa Lodwick
- Borel Antony
- Codlin Maria
- Conrad Cyler
- Coppe Justin
- Dayet Laure
- Doyon Luc
- Gabucio Joana
- Galán Ana Belén
- Hageneuer Sebastian
- Hinz Martin
- Lazagabaster Ignacio A.
- Leggett Sam
- Liu Cheng
- López-Bultó Oriol
- Martellotta Eva Francesca
- Mazzilli Francesca
- Milić Bogdana
- Palermo Rocco
- Price Max
- Queffelec Alain
- Schlager Stefan
- Sobotkova Adéla
- Soler Mayor Begoña
- Stefano Viola
- Veit Ulrich
- Vidal-Matutano Paloma
- and 10 anonymous reviewers
31 reviewers:
- Abrunhosa Ana
- Berruti Gabriele Luigi Francesco
- Bischoff Robert
- Bischoff Robert
- Borel Antony
- Caruso Fermé Laura
- Conolly James
- Coppe Justin
- Cuthbertson Patrick
- Dayet Laure
- Doyon Luc
- López-Bultó Oriol
- Martellotta Eva Francesca
- Mishra Sheila
- Morley Mike
- Ögüt Birgül
- Peeples Matthew
- Queffelec Alain
- Shekofte Atefe
- Shekofteh Atefeh
- Sinclair Anthony
- Sisk Matthew
- Squitieri Andrea
- Tada Toshihiro
- Vidal-Matutano Paloma
- and 6 anonymous reviewers
26 reviewers:
- Abou Diwan Georges
- Belardelli Clarissa
- Bischoff Robert
- Borel Antony
- Claud Emilie
- Costa Stefano
- d'Errico Francesco
- Hérisson David
- Hutson Jarod
- Lemorini Cristina
- Maier Andreas
- Marreiros Joao
- O'Connor Terry
- Outram Alan
- Ranhorn Kathryn
- Spinapolice Enza Elena
- Thierry Argant
- Vettese Delphine
- Wang Li-Ying
- Will Manuel
- and 6 anonymous reviewers