- UMR 5199 PACEA, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
- Dating, Europe, Lithic technology, Peopling, Theoretical archaeology, Upper Palaeolithic
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Areas of expertise
I am an early career researcher in archaeology, specialising in the study of the Upper Palaeolithic in Eastern Europe. My research interests include lithic technotypology, chronology, archaeological theory (particularly cultural taxonomy), the history of archaeology (in particular Soviet and post-Soviet archaeology), and personal ornaments. I hold a BA in Archaeology and Slavonic Studies from the University of Sheffield and an MSc in Palaeoanthropology and Palaeolithic Archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology, UCL. I carried out my doctoral research, a study of Gravettian backed lithic assemblages from Russia, at the University of Oxford (2011-2014). I was subsequently employed as a postdoctoral research assistant on the PalaeoChron project (PI: Tom Higham) at Oxford (2015-2016), before moving to Bordeaux to work as a postdoctoral researcher funded first by the Fondation Fyssen (2016-2018) and then by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie IF (2018-2020).
Languages: English, French, Russian.