PAUKKONEN Nikolai's profile


  • Doctoral School of Geosciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  • Antiquity, Archaeometry, Buildings archaeology, Ceramics, Classic, Computational archaeology, Environmental archaeology, Europe, Landscape archaeology, Medieval, Mediterranean, Post-Classic, Post-medieval, Remote sensing, Spatial analysis, Theoretical archaeology

Recommendations:  0

Review:  1

Review:  1

27 Jun 2024
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At the edge of the city: the digital storyline of the Bronchotion Monastery of Mystras

Mystras Captured from the Air – Digital Recording Techniques for Cultural Heritage Management of a Monumental Archaeological Site

Recommended by based on reviews by Nikolai Paukkonen and 1 anonymous reviewer

This paper (Panagiotidis et al. 2024) discusses the digital approach to the ‘digital storyline’ of the Monastery of Brontochion of Mystras, Peloponnese, Greece. Using drone and terrestrial photogrammetric recording techniques, their goal is to produce maps and 3D models that will be integrated in the overall study of the medieval city, as well as function as a comprehensive visualisation of the archaeological site throughout its history. This will take shape as a web application using ArcGIS Online that will be a valuable platform presenting interactive visual information to accompany written publications. In addition, the assets in the database will be available for further advanced purposes, such as suggested by the authors; xR applications, educational games or digital smart guides. The authors of the paper do a good job in describing the historical background of the site and the purpose of the digital documentation techniques, and the applied methods and the technical details of the produced models are dealt with in detail.

The paper presents a compelling case for an integrative approach to using digital recording techniques at an architectonically complex site for Cultural Heritage Management. It can be placed in a series of studies discussing how monumental sites can benefit from advanced digital recording techniques such as those presented in this paper (see for example Waagen and Wijngaarden 2024). The paper is recommended as an interesting read for all who are involved in this field.


Panagiotidis V. Vayia, Valantou Vasiliki, Kazolias Anastasios, and Zacharias Nikolaos. (2024). At the Edge of a City: The Digital Storyline of the Brontochion Monastery of Mystras. Zenodo, 8126952, ver. 3 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Archaeology.

Waagen, J., and van Wijngaarden, G. J. (2024). Understanding Archaeological Site Topography: 3D Archaeology of Archaeology. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 7(1), 237–243. 



  • Doctoral School of Geosciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  • Antiquity, Archaeometry, Buildings archaeology, Ceramics, Classic, Computational archaeology, Environmental archaeology, Europe, Landscape archaeology, Medieval, Mediterranean, Post-Classic, Post-medieval, Remote sensing, Spatial analysis, Theoretical archaeology

Recommendations:  0

Review:  1